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About Jazz Cymru

​Am Jazz Cymru

Jazz Cymru's purpose is to promote jazz in Wales through performance and education. It aims to develop an engagement with music through listening, creating and performing jazz. We work with some of the best musicians in Wales to offer performances and workshops in schools, colleges and in adult education settings. Workshops can also support BTEC, WJEC GCSE and A Level music syllabuses.

Contact us today to discuss your needs.


Pwrpas Jazz Cymru yw hyrwyddo jazz yng Nghymru trwy berfformiadau ac addysg. Ei nod yw rhoi cyfle i unigolion ddod i gysylltiad â cherddoriaeth trwy wrando, creu a pherfformio jazz. Rydym yn gweithio gyda rhai o'r cerddorion

gorau yng Nghymru i gynnig

perfformiadau a gweithdai mewn ysgolion, colegau ac mewn lleoliadau addysg oedolion. Gall gweithdai hefyd gefnogi meysydd llafur cerddoriaeth BTEC, TGAU a Safon Uwch CBAC.




If you are interested in booking a workshop for your school, college, workplace or other setting, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help. We can tailor the workshop to the needs and size and level of the group and cater for all age groups.


Workshops can focus on interactive performance, supporting the development of confidence and the capability to work independently and as part of a group; or composition, helping to develop creativity. All workshops will include an exploration of the music of Welsh or international jazz composers supporting participants in becoming ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world.


Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn archebu gweithdy ar gyfer eich ysgol, coleg, gweithle neu leoliad arall, cysylltwch â ni a byddwn yn hapus i helpu. Gallwn deilwra'r gweithdy i anghenion, maint a lefel y grŵp a darparu ar gyfer pob grŵp oedran.


Gall gweithdai ganolbwyntio ar berfformiad rhyngweithiol, gan gefnogi datblygiad hyder a’r gallu i weithio'n annibynnol ac fel rhan o grŵp; neu gyfansoddiad, gan helpu i ddatblygu creadigrwydd. Bydd pob gweithdy yn cynnwys archwiliad o gerddoriaeth cyfansoddwyr jazz o Gymru, neu rai rhyngwladol, sy'n cefnogi cyfranogwyr i ddod yn ddinasyddion moesegol a gwybodus yng Nghymru a'r byd.





From the Source

Our AS students (and myself!) really enjoyed the workshop with James and Julian and I know the kids got a lot out of it...... we would love to do something similar again next year- may be a series of workshops.

Matthew Giles
Y Pant Comprehensive School

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